RCR Training Requirements

UTIA’s Requirements for NIH RCR Compliance

Who: In response to NIH’s requirements, UTIA requires all trainees, fellows, participants, and scholars, including faculty members, receiving support through any NIH training, career development award (individual or institutional), research education grant, and dissertation research grant must receive instruction meeting NIH requirements in RCR.

When: Required personnel must successfully complete RCR training prior to participating in a project in one of the NIH program series identified above. Training must be repeated every four years.

How: UTIA requires satisfactory completion of at least 8 contact hours which can be achieved through a combination of UTIA approved RCR workshops, graduate credit courses, and/or additional informal instruction methods.
UTIA Approved RCR Workshop - Upcoming and past workshops are at Quick links on the OSP home page and under Upcoming Events on the RCR home page.

RCR Academic Credit Course - ANSC 525 / CEM 525 / PLSC 525 – Research Ethics for the Life Sciences. See the UTK Graduate Catalog for further information.

Informal instruction may include a variety of activities/subjects determined by the PI to be effective at fulfilling appropriate RCR training core requirements (as described above). Documentation of this type of instruction must be certified and maintained by the PI using the UTIA RCR training record form and provided to UTIA OSP and NIH upon request.

Senior fellows and career award recipients may fulfill the requirement for RCR instruction by participating as lecturers and discussion leaders.

Individuals are encouraged to take the on-line CITI training as well, recognizing it will not be sufficient by itself to meet NIH RCR requirements.

Please contact the UTIA Compliance Officer if you have questions regarding the specific solicitation and/or what specific courses, workshops or informal instruction meet UTIA’s NIH RCR requirements.

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