Online RCR Training

UTIA has partnered with the CITI program to allow UTIA affiliated researchers the opportunity to participate in online RCR education at First time users will need to register to create a new account. Associate your account with the University of Tennessee, Institute of Agriculture and select the UTIA RCR course. For more details, see Online CITI Training.

Estimated time to complete the required UTIA course is 1 to 1 ½ hours. You are not required to complete the entire RCR course in one session as CITI tracks progress so that you may log in and out at your own pace.

You must score 80% or greater to receive certification of training. If your score is less than 80%, you will be allowed to retake the quiz at the end of each module. Course results and certification of completion will automatically be forwarded to the UTIA Compliance Officer if your CITI account is properly affiliated with UTIA. Please be sure to save a copy of the RCR certification for your records.

Alternatively, UTIA may accept certificates of completion if an individual has completed RCR training while at a different institution or UT campus after a review of the other institution’s RCR program has been completed and found to be equivalent to the UTIA training. Unless CITI training was affiliated with a UT campus, the individual must provide UTIA with an official certificate of completion.

If additional or different training is taken, submit the UTIA RCR training record form, signed by the trainee and the PI, to Jane Burns, UTIA CO, at